Fellow jammers and freestyle frisbee fans,
I’m looking for a small team of people who would help me to make the FPA website better and more enjoyable for everybody.
- Are you interested in spreading the jam?
- Do you have any interesting ideas about new types of content of the FPA website?
- Do you want to contribute to the sport and provide entertainment to other jammers?
Then join me and help make the FPA website full of interesting and enjoyable content! I already have many ideas but I’m not able to realize them all. It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t have any content-making experience. What does matter is your enthusiasm! There will be no hard deadlines or anything like that. I would like to brainstorm with you, let you come up (and realize) your own ideas or let you choose the topic from the list of my ideas. It does not matter if you write one article per week or one in 3 months, any help will be highly appreciated.
If you are seriously interested, please contact me on Facebook or by email at fpawebsite@freestyledisc.org
Wish you many Zzzs in 2017!