
Announcing: Post-FPAW event in Munich, Bavaria, on July 3.-5. (the weekend after the FPAW in Karlsruhe, and a couple days after the Sight-ZZZing Tour in Heidelberg).

We still have free accommodation available at our homes, and we will make sure to show you a good time in our city.
There will be a big spread-the-jam and a lot of strange sports to try out at the city’s sports festival on sunday, and a small hat-tournament on saturday, if enough players show up.
Otherwise a lot of jamming, sightseeing, swimming/surfing in the famous “Eis-Bach”, campfire at the river, party, bavarian food and drinks in the Beergarden, or whatever folks are up for.
Also, we’ve got several bikes you can use to get around, if you want to maximize your sightseeing experience.

more detailed information on our website:

please let us know about your plans, so that we know how much of everything we will be needing.

looking forward, and happy to answer any questions,


Place & Time