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Membership Director Update from Jens Velasquez

Posted by Jens Velasquez, FPA Membership Director
My role and responsibilities as Membership Director involves all aspects of maintaining the database with member info for 2015.

One initiative I will be working on this year is to increase FPA membership by running Speed Flow workshops and contests at Frisbee events throughout the year beginning with the 39th Virginia State Championships in April.  As a former Ultimate Player and Coach I also plan to introduce and conduct Speed Flow workshops and contests at Ultimate events as well. 

My belief is that anyone who learns how to throw and catch a Frisbee with a level of confidence will continue do so the rest of their lives.  Speed Flow is an easy game of throw and catch that anyone can learn and can also prove to be a natural gateway to Freestyle.

I look forward to meeting players at events this year and reporting on this blog.

Jens Velasquez
FPA Membership Director

FPA Open Rankings Update – May 2015

FPA Open Rankings – May 2015 Rank Last Time Name Country Gender Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Kenny, Paul USA m 1667.25 14 2 3 Gauthier, Jake USA m 1619.75 18 3 2 Coddington, Arthur USA m 1545.75 9 4 4 Gauthier, Matt USA m 1481.75 18 5 5 Wiseman, James USA m 1448.5 20 6 […]

FPA Women’s Rankings Update – May 2015

FPA Women’s Rankings – May 2015 Rank Last Time Name Country Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Hunrichs, Lisa USA 1260 17 2 2 Daniels, Lori USA 982 15 3 4 Simon, Ilka GER 925 24 4 5 Strunz, Bianca GER 888.5 19 5 6 Kahle, Emma USA 870 12 6 3 Imazio, Eleonora ITA 867.475 […]

2015 Disc Design

The new freestyle disc for 2015 is available! Many thanks to this year’s disc design contest winner, the talented Dave Bolyard. Renew your membership now and receive your new disc!

2015 WFDF World Overall Championships – update

From Stefan Karlson: Freestylers!The 2015 WFDF World Overall Championship website is now up and running at: the Facebook site at: I really want to invite all jammers to this event. The tournament will be a fantastic Frisbee/Disc happening, I can assure. The organizing club in Norrköping together with the Swedish Frisbeesport Federation did an amazing job in 2013 […]

2015 Wintershred Results

This just in from from Carl Dobson: The latest version of Wintershred went down this past Sunday at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. Good weather and good times were had by all. Some epic jams went down all day mixing Mike Galloupe and Scott Weaver’s ‘throw caution to the wind style’ and the more reserved […]

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