FPA Disc Design Contest 2023 submissions

Until the end of January 2023, we collected graphic designs as part of the renewed Disc Design Contest. The winning design will be used on this year’s FPA Skystyler and 100-molds. . We received a total of 8 unique designs from 4 different artists (Kevin Fuller, Oliver Peters, Raphael Legrand, Kuba Opaluch) – many thanks […]

FPAW’23 in Medellin is coming

Dear jammers, . We’re thrilled to announce that the dates for the FPAW in Medellin (Colombia) are confirmed: from the 21st to the 27th of August! The tournament will start on Wednesday and end on Saturday. The idea is to plan activities before and after the tournament for people if they want. The finals will […]

Join the FPA or renew for 2023

The new year is well underway and it is now a good time to renew your FPA membership. If you were a paid up member last year, your membership will be expiring on January 31.  . If you skipped a year or have never been an FPA member before, we hope you will consider becoming […]

The 2022 year-end rankings and brand new lifetime ratings are out!

Dear jammers, here’s a major update on rankings and ratings. Please read down here to learn about it! _ Rankings The rankings rank players’ based on their top-8 tournament results over a two-year period. This is the same as the old rankings—only implemented through new technology and with a few minor tweaks. It will continue […]

FPA Disc Design Contest 2022

Greetings freestyle players and interested others!. A few years have gone by since the FPA held its annual disc design contest to find a new art for the official disc of our organization honoring the World champions from the given year. The reason for the hiatus is quite obvious – because of the Covid pandemic […]

FPA Board Member Elections Results

Dear FPA members and community, . Thank you for taking the time to vote on the three positions that are running out by the end of the year. We are very happy to announce new and ongoing candidates for the FPA board starting in 2023. – The Vice President position was only implemented last year, […]

FPAW’22 Results

FPAW’22 is over, and what a great tournament with such a high level of play and so many international players. These memories are indelible already! . Congratulations to all the winners! Here are the podiums of each division: . For Women Pairs: 1. Ilka Simon & Bianca Strunz 2. Char Powell & Katy Gimma 3. […]

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