Once upon a time, not too long ago, a newsletter called the FPA Forum newsletter used to arrive in your mailbox every few months. We’d pluck it out of the mail and relish the stories, photographs, tournament results, and all that was news about freestyle disc. If you are a former FPA Forum subscriber or […]
This Month Last Month Name Country Gender Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Kenny, Paul USA m 1779 14 2 3 Hess, Florian GER m 1501 15 3 2 Leist, Alex GER m 1498,75 17 4 4 Prati, Marco ITA m 1432,25 10 5 5 Wiseman, James USA m 1252,25 14 6 7 […]
This Month Last Month Name Country Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Hunrichs, Lisa USA 1330 15 2 2 Simon, Ilka GER 1105 28 3 3 Daniels, Lori USA 1036 16 4 4 Strunz, Bianca GER 1030 22 5 5 Bragagnolo, Anna ITA 987 21 6 6 Kahle, Emma USA 950 10 7 […]
Wow! So many new videos in April 2016. Here we go! In the beginning of the month the new Spread the jam project video featuring Philipp Krüger from Berlin came out. It has been already posted and you can also check it out together with the rest of STJP videos on a new Spread the jam […]
EFO 2016 starts tomorrow and some of world’s finest jammers like Paul Kenny, Freddy Finner, Bianca Strunz, Fabio Nizzo or Jakub Kostel are already hitting the beach of Bibione, Italy. Thanks to our dedicated friend Chris Bellaj you all can watch the event live! >>Click here to watch the live stream<< Here […]
It is my joy and privilege to announce that after a year’s hiatus, STJP is back, featuring one of my favorite players ever: Phil Krüger, the apogee of Berlin style.
Please pass this video along to help us get the word out there about what we do. Any comments, likes, shares (on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or whatever else is out there) goes a long to helping us bring our sport to new people and places. Thank you! James W.
This Month Last Month Name Country Gender Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Kenny, Paul USA m 1779 13 2 2 Leist, Alex GER m 1466,5 16 3 3 Hess, Florian GER m 1449,25 14 4 4 Prati, Marco ITA m 1380 11 5 8 Wiseman, James USA m 1259,25 14 6 5 […]
This Month Last Month Name Country Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Hunrichs, Lisa USA 1330 15 2 2 Simon, Ilka GER 1055 26 3 3 Daniels, Lori USA 1036 15 4 4 Strunz, Bianca GER 1009 20 5 6 Bragagnolo, Anna ITA 951 20 6 5 Kahle, Emma USA 950 10 7 […]
March 2016 was truly a productive freestyle month. Besides two important tournaments taking place (Fribeer Cup and Paganello), many new hi-quality freestyle videos have emerged. Here they are:
You have probably already seen the official edit from Frisbeer Cup, but you may have missed this video of jamming around Prague by Tommy:
The crew of US jammers visited an abandoned school and this urban freestyle edit is the result:
James and Daniel have been procrastinating, although in a very productive way – see for yourself:
Two new freestyle frisbee youtube channels have emerged and both of them seem very promising. The first one belongs to the talented jammer Ayal Benin (originally from Israel) who is sharing his “Jamories” – videos of the memorable jams he was part of. A few videos are already online – be sure to check them all.
A second new channel has been launched by the skilled videographer James Wiseman and it is dedicated to NYC related videos. You can already find there a few videos featuring the members of The Tribe. It is definitely worth it to check them all!
Other videos worth mentioning
>> The Incredible James has released another two of his freestyle Study tapes. Mindblowing as always…
>> Claudio Cigna is waiting for the spring and performing some “against magic”
>> Tom Leitner put together a nice edit of Sheep Meadow Jam from September 2014
Have you enjoyed this new video sum up? Do we miss here any videos worth watching? Tell us in the comments and look forward to the April’s new load…