As of today, June 16th, we have 39 paid registrants. We have an additional 4 individuals who registered online but have not made their payment yet, and I see another 17 players listed as partners that have not registered or paid their registration. That comes to a total of 60 players committed to FPAW 2016. […]
Bethany sent this out, expanding on Paul’s previous post regarding FPAW – it has a lot of important information. Excitement is building about the FPA World Championships in New York! I am looking forward to jamming with as many of you as possible, and hanging out at the Brooklyn Urban Cultural Center (BUCC), where many […]
Jammers, the WFDF is running a Development Grants Program. This could be interesting for freestylers to promote our sport in new countries or support countries with smaller jam communities – i.e. Columbia, Japan, China, Australia, Russia. Read the original message from WFDF: The World Flying Disc Federation is pleased to present its final call […]
Coming also from James’s video workshop, here is a nice casual jam of two german jammers – Nötzi from Berlin and Harry from Cologne. The spot is the “Berlin beach” – old Tempelhof airport, now used as a public space where people are doing a wide variety of different sports.
The most productive videographer of May 2016 has definitely been Ayal Benin who visited United Kingdom and apparently jammed a lot! Here are four videos of his jams in London and Brighton together with local players.
And as usually here we have a shred-full video of Claudio Cigna practicing at his favourite spot. Mad stuff!
Matt has been very busy making following tutorial videos which are very important for spreading the jam and appreciated by the whole community. First there are two rather beginner tutorials – how to self throw with high zzz’s and how to rim delay. These are really essential for people who are starting to learn to freestyle.
And here we have a useful tip for advanced players – two part tutorial showing how to cove. Matt really knows his stuff!
This Month Last Month Name Country Gender Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Kenny, Paul USA m 1779 14 2 3 Leist, Alex GER m 1498,75 15 3 2 Hess, Florian GER m 1484,5 13 4 4 Prati, Marco ITA m 1383,25 9 5 5 Wiseman, James USA m 1292,25 15 6 7 […]
This Month Last Month Name Country Best 8 Results # of Events 1 1 Hunrichs, Lisa USA 1330 13 2 4 Strunz, Bianca GER 1075 24 3 3 Daniels, Lori USA 1061 16 4 2 Simon, Ilka GER 1026 25 5 5 Bragagnolo, Anna ITA 963 18 6 7 Kulisanova, Irena CZE 917 19 7 […]
AFO 2017 bids This is a request for bids to host the 2017 AFO (and to give initial thoughts to applying for 2018 FPAW as well). The application link below is a great way to understand requirements and process for applying. We have some excellent possibilities out there for 2017 AFO and look forward […]
On behalf of the Freestyle Players Association (FPA), the Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame (FDHOF) Committee announces the inaugural class of 22 inductees. Among them are these five individuals in the “Pioneer” Class for the FDHOF: Victor Malafronte John “Z” Weyand Dan “Stork” Roddick Ken Westerfield Jim Kenner Their play, innovation and influence began […]
EFO 2016 was a great event. Almost 50 players from Italy, USA, Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden and Poland gathered in sunny Bibione to compete for the titles of european champions. Big appreciation goes to Emmanuele “Zanardi” Faustini and Anna Bragagnolo for organizing the event and also to Chris Bellaj who live-streamed the event and uploaded […]