Hey FPA members!
We have an exciting opportunity in front of us!
During the recent nomination process for FPA President, Freddy Finner and Edo Turri proposed to the FPA Board an idea for reorganization that we wholeheartedly agree with. Their idea is to work as a team basically with one as President and the other as Vice President. This will require a By-Law change that needs voting on. With that opportunity they also suggested a number of other By-Law edits to clean up the document and be consistent with their ideas….all of which the Board again agrees with. Further, they have expressed many exciting ideas to capture untapped energy in our sport. Please see the following 3 documents.
Document 1 – The By-Laws with highlighted proposed changes
Document 2 – the proposed By-Laws cleaned up in “final form”
Document 3 – what became a driver for this change: their presentation to all of us explaining their concept more personally.
Note although Freddy and Edoardo are proposing this (and were the only ones to be nominated) we will need to re-open the nomination process for President/Vice President and Membership Director (currently a “Member at Large” position) should the By-Laws changes be approved. The nomination would then start on November 8 – see the timeline below. Here you can find the description of the three positions.
If you are a current FPA member (check here), go to your inbox where you will find the Survey Monkey link and, please, vote!
(If you are not a current FPA member, you can still renew your membership or join the FPA for the first time and take part in the vote. Note that if you join/renew now your membership will be extended to 2022.)
The process will be as follows:
• October 25 (today) – start of voting process for members on the By-Laws
• October 25 (today) – publish presentation of Edo and Freddy
• November 8 – end of voting process for the By-Laws
• November 8 – publish results and new By-Laws if passed
• November 8 – extending deadline for nomination for President, Vice President and Membership Director
• November 8 – start of nomination process for President, Vice President and Membership Director
• November 15 – end of nomination for President, Vice President and Membership Director
• November 15 – start of election for President (3 years), Vice President (2 years) and Membership Director (3 years)
• November 30 – end of election (15 days)
• December 3 – publish results of election
Paul Kenny,
President, FPA Board of Directors